2022/09/06 - フリープラン グループチャットの利用上限数撤廃に伴うAPI変更のお知らせ / API Change Notice

[English below]

https://help.chatwork.com/hc/ja/articles/9319851372185 にてお知らせしております通り、2022年10月06日(予定)からフリープランにおいて、グループチャットの利用上限数(累計7個)の制限を撤廃し、サービス内容を変更させていただくことになりました。

これに伴い、Chatwork APIにつきましても、フリープランにおいて下記の通り変更を予定しておりますのでご確認ください。



1. 制限なくルームの作成及び参加が可能になります


2. メッセージの取得に制限がかかるケースがあります



  • chatwork-message-limitation

    • 制限が適用されている場合はtrueになります
    • 制限が適用されていない場合は、このヘッダーを省略するため、falseに設定されることはありません
  • chatwork-message-limitation-summary

    • 制限の概要が記載されます
    • 制限が適用されていない場合は、このヘッダーを省略します



  • チャットのメッセージ一覧を取得する

    • 一部のメッセージが閲覧制限されて取得できない場合

      • HTTPステータスコード は200になります

      • レスポンスヘッダーのchatwork-message-limitationtrueになり、制限理由がchatwork-message-limitation-summaryに追加されます

      • レスポンス例

        HTTP/2 200
        date: Mon, 15 Aug 2022 05:59:12 GMT  
        content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8  
        connection: keep-alive  
        chatwork-message-limitation: true  
        chatwork-message-limitation-summary: The response contains messages that cannot be browsed with the free plan. Please check the API documentation for details.  
        x-ratelimit-limit: 300  
        x-ratelimit-remaining: 298  
        x-ratelimit-reset: 1660543297
        [{"message_id":"123","account":{"account_id":1,"name":"Chatwork free user","avatar_image_url":"https://d2y3mporj2jwnb.cloudfront.net/avatar/ico_default_green.png"},"body":"Hello Chatwork!","send_time":1660542467,"update_time":0}]
    • すべてのメッセージが閲覧制限されて取得できない場合

      • HTTPステータスコードは204になります
      • レスポンスヘッダーのchatwork-message-limitationtrueになり、制限理由が chatwork-message-limitation-summaryに追加されます
      • レスポンス例
        HTTP/2 204
        date: Mon, 15 Aug 2022 05:45:07 GMT  
        content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8  
        connection: keep-alive  
        chatwork-message-limitation: true  
        chatwork-message-limitation-summary: The response contains messages that cannot be browsed with the free plan. Please check the API documentation for details.  
        x-ratelimit-limit: 300  
        x-ratelimit-remaining: 299  
        x-ratelimit-reset: 1660542607
  • チャットのメッセージを取得する

    • 指定したメッセージIDのメッセージが制限されて取得できない場合

      • HTTPステータスコードは404になります

      • レスポンスヘッダーのchatwork-message-limitationtrueになり、制限理由がchatwork-message-limitation-summaryに追加されます

      • レスポンス例

        HTTP/2 404  
        date: Mon, 15 Aug 2022 06:03:54 GMT  
        content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8  
        connection: keep-alive  
        chatwork-message-limitation: true  
        chatwork-message-limitation-summary: The response contains messages that cannot be browsed with the free plan. Please check the API documentation for details.  
        x-ratelimit-limit: 300  
        x-ratelimit-remaining: 299  
        x-ratelimit-reset: 1660543734
        {"errors":["The message cannot be browsed. Please check the response header for details."]}%

API Change with Removing the upper limit on a total of 7 group chats for Free Plan

As announced in https://support-en.chatwork.com/hc/en-us/articles/9624465756057, we will remove the upper limit on a total of 7 group chats per user, and change the service contents for Free Plan from October 6, 2022 (planned) .
Along with this, Chatwork API will also be changed for Free Plan as follows.
There are no changes to paid plans.


Removing the upper total of 7 group chats per user

Currently, Free Plan users are limited to creating and participating in a total of 7 group chats per user for the following APIs. After this change, Free Plan users will be able to create and join more than 8 rooms.

Restrictions on retrieving messages

In the Free Plan, the past 40 days and 5,000 messages per organization will be accessible after this change. As a result of this change, some or all of the messages may not be available for the following APIs.

The following response headers will be added to determine if the limitation is applied or not.

  • chatwork-message-limitation
    • The only valid value for this header is true.
    • If the limitation is not applied, then this header will be omitted.
  • chatwork-message-limitation-summary
    • Summary of the limitation will be set.

Detailed changes to the APIs

Please see below for the detailed changes to the APIs.

  • https://developer.chatwork.com/reference/get-rooms-room_id-messages

    • If some messages cannot be retrieved due to the limitation

      • HTTP status code: 200
      • The response header chatwork-message-limitation will be set to true
      • The reason for the limitation will be set to the chatwork-message-limitation-summary
      • Example response:
      HTTP/2 200
      date: Mon, 15 Aug 2022 05:59:12 GMT  
      content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8  
      connection: keep-alive  
      chatwork-message-limitation: true  
      chatwork-message-limitation-summary: The response contains messages that cannot be browsed with the free plan. Please check the API documentation for details.  
      x-ratelimit-limit: 300  
      x-ratelimit-remaining: 298  
      x-ratelimit-reset: 1660543297
      [{"message_id":"123","account":{"account_id":1,"name":"Chatwork free user","avatar_image_url":"https://d2y3mporj2jwnb.cloudfront.net/avatar/ico_default_green.png"},"body":"Hello Chatwork!","send_time":1660542467,"update_time":0}]
    • If all messages are restricted and cannot be retrieved

      • HTTP status code: 204
      • The response header chatwork-message-limitation will be set to true
      • The reason for the limitation will be set to the chatwork-message-limitation-summary
      • Example response:
      HTTP/2 204
      date: Mon, 15 Aug 2022 05:45:07 GMT  
      content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8  
      connection: keep-alive  
      chatwork-message-limitation: true  
      chatwork-message-limitation-summary: The response contains messages that cannot be browsed with the free plan. Please check the API documentation for details.  
      x-ratelimit-limit: 300  
      x-ratelimit-remaining: 299  
      x-ratelimit-reset: 1660542607
  • https://developer.chatwork.com/reference/get-rooms-room_id-messages-message_id

    • If the requested message ID is restricted

      • HTTP status code: 404
      • The response header chatwork-message-limitation will be set to true
      • The reason for the limitation will be set to the chatwork-message-limitation-summary
      • Example response:
      HTTP/2 404  
      date: Mon, 15 Aug 2022 06:03:54 GMT  
      content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8  
      connection: keep-alive  
      chatwork-message-limitation: true  
      chatwork-message-limitation-summary: The response contains messages that cannot be browsed with the free plan. Please check the API documentation for details.  
      x-ratelimit-limit: 300  
      x-ratelimit-remaining: 299  
      x-ratelimit-reset: 1660543734
      {"errors":["The message cannot be browsed. Please check the response header for details."]}%